

10 ways to reuse plastic milk bottles (before recycling them)
31 Jan

10 ways to reuse plastic milk bottles (before recycling them)

These incredibly crafty bloggers have found some mightily cunning reuses for our humble plastic milk bottles. From money-saving DIY and garden tools to props for

10 ways to reuse polystyrene
03 Nov

10 ways to reuse polystyrene

Discover how you can reuse the polystyrene that comes in your delivery packages

7 ways to reuse orange peels
07 Aug

7 ways to reuse orange peels

An easy-to-follow guide for looking after houseplants and being the perfect ‘plant parent’

Can I recycle old toys?
14 May

Can I recycle old toys?

As sure as the sun rises each day, toys will come and toys will go. But when your kids get tired of their old toys,

What to do with unwanted gardening tools?
18 Mar

What to do with unwanted gardening tools?

Did you know that most gardening tools can be shared and re-used by others, even if they need simple repairs? Some waste recycling centres will

10 cunning ways to reuse tennis balls
02 Jul

10 cunning ways to reuse tennis balls

Tennis balls rubber is not biodegradable, which makes them probably the most difficult of any kind of sports ball to recycle. Bit of a problem,

Clever projects to reuse plastic bottles
02 Apr

Clever projects to reuse plastic bottles

We Brits now recycle just over half of our plastic bottle waste, which is great. But did you realise that we can reuse plastic bottles

How to reuse and recycle old sports equipment
05 Sep

How to reuse and recycle old sports equipment

Do you have old sporting gear clogging up the loft or the back of the garage? Here's a more general guide to how you can

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