

Imagine a future free of plastic waste
29 Jun

Imagine a future free of plastic waste

The world of plastic is changing, but imagine what it will look like when we finally tackle the issue of plastic pollution.

Why we need to stop plastic ‘wishcycling’
08 Jun

Why we need to stop plastic ‘wishcycling’

Wishcycling means to recycle something when you don’t know if it can be, but the consequences are extremely negative for the environment

Types of plastic packaging and recycling symbols
03 Jun

Types of plastic packaging and recycling symbols

Do you ever find yourself confused by all the different types of plastics? Do you wonder which you can recycle and which you can't? Are

How to eat less plastic with your food
01 Jun

How to eat less plastic with your food

It’s no longer possible to remove plastic from our food items, but we’ve got some great ideas on how you can east less

How to grow-your-own in just six inches of space
18 May

How to grow-your-own in just six inches of space

Learn how to grow your own food within a small space

10 ways to reuse polystyrene
03 Nov

10 ways to reuse polystyrene

Discover how you can reuse the polystyrene that comes in your delivery packages

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