Hold on. Before you jump the gun and think ‘I can’t shop at home’ – think again. Unless you live in a minimalist household there is a good chance that you can shop at home. We’re extending our thinking this month when it comes to saving money. You don’t always need to find new gadgets or invest in technologies. You can save a few pennies by shopping at home; and if you’re unsure about how – we’re covering it today in this blog so keep reading.
Save money by looking in your cupboards first
Our cupboards are filled with goodies and we’re not just talking about the kitchen ones! Although, quite often our kitchen cupboards are filled with tins that have been sitting around for a while. But we’ll get onto that a little bit later. For now, we’re going to raid the back of the wardrobe, the ‘random bits’ drawer and even the sideboard to discover some goodies.
This is the perfect way to declutter your home also. So if you’re thinking ‘I don’t need to save’ but you’re desperate to clear out a few drawers – pay attention. Picture the ‘problem’ area in your home. It might be a cupboard that’s not very organised or where there’s a lot of one item such as clothing, it could even be just an area in your home where you’re not actually sure what’s in it. Once you know what it is. Empty it.
That’s right we want you to empty it. All out onto the floor and separate it into piles. Useful, not useful and useful one day. From here, you can refresh your mind on what belongs in this area. So the next time you think you need to pop to the shops for something miscellaneous you can shop at home instead for a free alternative.
Making crazy meals from the freezer
We know what you’re thinking. Why on earth would you want to eat a crazy meal? Live a little! Not everything that comes out of your kitchen needs to be perfectly prepared and the recipe followed. It’s time to experiment by making crazy meals from the freezer to save money.
There’s always something in there that we saw in the shop once upon a time and went ‘oh that’ll be different’. This week. Before you head out for your food shop with a well-prepared list. See if you can’t whip up a few crazy meals. It might some chicken in white wine sauce with some curly fries and frozen peppers that you saved before they went off. It could be mini frozen pizzas with some leftover lasagne and broccoli. Don’t wait for the time to come around where you fancy something. Eat from your freezer and see how long you can delay spending out on a pricey food shop.
The benefits of multi-purpose products
This one is a little tip for saving money. Not because you’re physically spending less but you’re reducing the opportunity to spend, less often. When it comes to items like toilet paper and toothpaste, we know they won’t go out of date because we use them every day. But buying them in bulk means we go to the shops less, which also means the chance to pick up ‘a little treat’ occurs less often.
Where you can bulk buy (without buying everything on the shelf) you should. Too often we go into shops with the plan of buying one item. But often something will jump out at us on the way to the till – you know the pesky products placed specifically for that impulse buy.
You may have wondered how you can save money by buying items at home at the start of this blog. But we hope we’ve shown you that when you need something, heading to the shops doesn’t have to be the answer. If you’ve got a week before payday and you’re struggling to put food on the table, check the freezer for a crazy meal. If you have a last-minute need for something, check your cupboards for any miscellaneous treasures. Then buy in bulk for anything you can store and keep for a long time – knowing it will get used. Put a few of these into practice and you’ll quickly notice the difference in your bank balance.
One Response
Crazy meals are fun.
My husband and I have been doing this for quite a while. I always save any leftover food even a small portion. When I want a quick easy meal I go to the freezer, it’s like having a Tapas (various small dishes to choose from).