close up of some tasty water drinks

How to make your tap water tastier (and avoid plastic!)

Bottled water? Expect to pay around 40p per litre if you’re buying still water in bulk, plus add on the extra tasks of lugging it home and recycling more plastic packaging as an added bonus. Tap water? Clean, healthy, zero waste, delivered directly to your kitchen sink and less than a fifth of a penny per litre!

No brainer, right? Yet plenty of us still actively avoid drinking tap, purely because we don’t enjoy the taste of our local water. Fortunately, if you’re one of us tap-flavour-challenged folks, holding your nose isn’t the only option…

Keep a jug of tap water in the fridge

Did you ever think that perhaps it’s not the tap water itself that offends you? Could simply be that you don’t like to drink tepid water. Keep a jug of fresh drawn tap water in the fridge and see if you prefer the taste when it’s colder.

Add a dash of citrus

Need something to excite your tastebuds? Tap water just too ‘neutral’ to grab your interest? Spritz a little citrus juice into your glass before filling up with tap – zingy! Lemons and limes are classic drink exciters; or why not try a squeeze from a fresh grapefruit or blood orange? Even better, ditch the ice for a frozen segment or two of mandarin.

Lemon and mint in an ice cube tray

Make interesting tap water ice cubes

Chunks of frozen tap water in liquid tap water? Um, boooooring! Add some natural herbs and flavourings to ice cubes and you’ll have a super quick way to boost your interest level next time you need a drink. Try:

  • Chopped lemon and mint (pictured)
  • Half-and-half water and unsweetened juice
  • Layers of juice – takes a little effort but looks pretty!
  • A few drops of rose water
Strawberry and basil water

Swap squash and soft drinks for infused detox water

Sugar-free, plastic-waste-free and ruddy delicious! Leave the squash, cordial and soft drinks on the supermarket shelves and opt for detox tap water instead…

Grab a jug, jar or pot, something that will fit into your fridge – glass is best if you have it. Pop in your detox water ingredients and ‘muddle’ them a little to release the flavours, a.k.a. squishing them about a bit with the end of a wooden spoon! Fill the container with tap and leave in the fridge for at least 20 minutes, or overnight for a more developed taste. Pour over ice and enjoy!

Dream up your own recipes or have a go with these tried and tested:

  • Strawberries and basil leaves (Yes, really! A taste sensation…)
  • Wild blackberries and lemon
  • Lemon and ginger
  • Cucumber, lime and mint
  • Peaches and blueberries
  • Watermelon and mint
  • Apple peels and cinnamon sticks
  • Raspberry, orange and star anise

For plastic freedom, buy your fruit, herbs and spices loose or in sustainable packaging, subscribe to a local fruit and veg box scheme, head out to a ‘Pick Your Own’, go foraging or try growing your own.

How do you make your tap water tastier? Or is yours just delicious straight from the tap? Share your tips and comments with us via Twitter and Facebook!

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