If you’ve been a dedicated Greenredeem blog reader for a while, it’s no surprise that creating green space is one of the best ways to fight back against climate change. We’re not talking about reducing your impact on the environment, we mean proactively helping it to flourish. Repairing damage instead of minimising it. Making improvements instead of more limitations.
As individuals, creating a green space is often the only option we have to make a difference. But we know that together, this is crucial and often more impactful than anything else. So let’s get into it… creating a green space, in your space. No matter whether that’s in your garden, on your balcony, or in the local allotment – it could even be a tree planting scheme.
How to create a green space in your home
As always, anything we’ve done here at Greenredeem is tailored to suit anybody, no matter where you live, how much you earn or what type of facilities you have. So when we say create a green space in your home, don’t shut down! This is for you as much as it is for anybody else.
In a garden
We know what you’re thinking. If I have a garden, then surely I already have a green space? Technically yes. But is your green space working with your climate change efforts or against you? Is it covered in paving slabs with a stone pit fire in the corner? Do you have a lawn that’s more mud than grass and flower beds that are continually dug up by your fluffy family member? Here are a few tips on making sure your green space is working to your advantage.

On a balcony
If you don’t have a garden, then we’re hoping you have a balcony (but if you don’t, just scroll down a little further so we can help you create a green space). It doesn’t matter how big your balcony is because we’re only suggesting flower boxes to start off with. You can get boxes and fill them with really self-sufficient plants – meaning you have little gardening work to do. You can get a sizeable potted shrub and pop it in the corner. If your balcony is large enough, why not create a small raised flower bed and start growing your own veg and herb plants.
Inside a home
You’ve got no garden. You’ve got no balcony. For you, a green space is only something you could dream of. Or is it? There are so many ways to create a green space inside your home. Houseplants are your first point of call. Especially ones that love being in a bathroom. Fill your bathroom with humidity-loving plants, it will help clear out any excess moisture and provide you with a luscious green space. Alternatively, you can create your own compost with an under-sink composter and then donate the fertiliser to your local allotment (or sell it to neighbours with a garden!).

How to create a green space in your community
If you’re renting your home, it might not be in your power to change your garden. You may not have a balcony and your indoors is rather cramped with barely enough space to hang your coat. Just know that if you’re doing as much as you can for your home and it still isn’t quite enough, for you, there are other options.

Even the most crowded cities have areas for allotments, you just need to find them. They’re great little hobbies to have and you can do as much or as little work on your allotment as you’d like. You may decide to be down there every weekend tending to growing vegetables or you might plant a few bushes that only need your attention every month or so. Having an allotment doesn’t have to take up all of your time – although a lot of people will tell you that it does. It’s your choice how to develop your green space to help the local environment.
Tree planting schemes
No allotment? No garden? No problem. There are millions of local initiatives across the country happening all year round. That being said, make sure you do your research before you send any money for tree planting. We personally think it’s best to invest your time in helping build community green spaces than donating to a charity. See what your local council has on offer or any local green initiatives.
If you are determined to get involved in tree planting be sure it’s the right time of year. Tree planting season ends at the end of March and doesn’t start again until November. So throwing around seeds next month may be futile. If you want any direction as to worthy causes in your area, ping us an email and we’ll see what we can pull out for you.
You see… it doesn’t really matter how big your green space is, or even if it is non-existent. There’s always a way to fight climate change and help the environment to flourish. Remember, living a sustainable lifestyle isn’t all about restricting yourself, enforcing limitations and creating rules. It can be about doing something positive, rather than a lesser negative.
2 Responses
I am growing on 3 different deciduous trees. This scheme was organised by radfordforge.co.uk to be planted in the local area. The scheme is called The Queen’s Canopy and I believe was initially set up as a tribute for the late Queen’s platinum jubilee.