
Elmbridge bin collection

The Elmbridge bin collection service covers kerbside general waste and recycling.

Find out below what is accepted in your different waste bins, as well as advice on what you can and can’t recycle.

Please put your bins out by 6.30am on the day they are due to be collected.

Find out your refuse and recycling collection days

Items accepted in your fortnightly general waste bin:

  • Waste which cannot be placed in your other recycling bins (see below)
  • Disposable nappies and hygiene products
  • Face masks

Items accepted in your fortnightly blue-lidded recycling bins:

  • Dry paper
  • Dry cardboard
  • Metal such as tins, cans and aerosols
  • Foil Some plastic items – bottles, trays, pots, tubs
  • Glass bottles and jars with lids left on

Please ensure items are clean and dry before recycling. Find out more about items that are not accepted in your blue-lidded bins.

Items accepted in your weekly food waste bin:

  • Cooked and uncooked food waste
  • Fruit and veg peelings
  • Tea bags and coffee grounds

You can line your caddy with any bag except black bin bags. This includes plastic shopping bags, plastic vegetable bags or food waste caddy liner bags. Your bin must contain no liquids.

Items accepted in your fortnightly garden waste bin:

  • Grass cuttings
  • Shrubs, plants (including house flowers), weeds and leaves
  • Small branches

Please ensure there are no soil and stones put into your garden waste bin.

Textiles and small electrical items collection


  • We accept clothes
  • Home textiles
  • Paired shoes
  • Bags and belts
  • no pillows or duvets

Small electricals

  • Anything with a plug
  • Anything battery-operated
  • Chargers
  • no lightbulbs

All items must fit into one small carrier bag. Textiles and small electricals can be in the same bag.

Batteries should be put into a separate small bag.