Keeping UK Drains Flowing Smoothly
October is not just about falling leaves and cosy sweaters; it’s also the time for Unblocktober! This nationwide campaign encourages residents to take proactive steps
This time of year always feels like a fresh start - must be a hangover from school days. New school year, new bag, new pencil
What if we told you that one of the best ways to help prevent food waste was by eating incredibly delicious food sold very cheaply? Did we hear a big “Yes, please!”?
Imagine the horror of confronting fatbergs in the wild: a sewer-choking, rat-infested, stinking hulk of congealed cooking oil and meat fat, nappies, cotton buds, sanitary
Leaks into the toilet bowl are a super common problem in modern homes. They're simple to detect and a simple fix. Yet, left to dribble on unchecked
If you’re short on space, worry not! There is always enough room for a beautiful houseplant in your home
All those missing socks, where on earth do they go? And why do tights only ladder on the days when you're running late and have
When your recycling is satisfyingly organised instead of in one messy pile, the general inclination is to recycle more – and more often. A very good thing, when you consider that recycling has so many life-changing benefits.
OK, so we all know that recycling is one of those things we should do. It's right there on the list next to 'Buy cat
Recycling isn't just good for the planet; it's also a brilliant way to raise money for a huge variety of charitable causes. How? Four ways
It's an unfortunate fact. Tumble drying wears out fabrics faster and you can see the evidence for yourself at the end of the cycle. The
October is not just about falling leaves and cosy sweaters; it’s also the time for Unblocktober! This nationwide campaign encourages residents to take proactive steps
In our fast-paced world, where convenience often reigns supreme, we often overlook the simple yet essential resource that flows right from our taps – water.
Hey there, water enthusiasts! Water, our liquid lifeline, is something we often take for granted. But keeping the taps flowing in the UK is a
Launched in 2009, Greenredeem are a catalyst for sustained environmental behaviour change. We create relevant and topical campaigns to motivate people and their communities to make informed choices to tackle climate change.
If you’re not already a member, then you’re missing out! All of our members get rewarded for living a greener lifestyle, including reading this blog.