

Water habits for you to continue as lockdown eases
24 Aug

Water habits for you to continue as lockdown eases

Have you found yourself picking up new habits during lockdown? Are you a fanatic of exercise, lover of meditation or let’s face it… obsessed with

Water’s worth saving in your kitchen
10 Aug

Water’s worth saving in your kitchen

It’s week two of teaming up with Waterwise to show that water’s worth saving. This week we’re showing you how you can help save water

Water’s worth saving in your bathroom
03 Aug

Water’s worth saving in your bathroom

This month, we’re teaming up with Waterwise as they launch Water’s Worth Saving. Why? Because water really is worth saving. Although water covers 71% of

Types of plastic packaging and recycling symbols
03 Jun

Types of plastic packaging and recycling symbols

Do you ever find yourself confused by all the different types of plastics? Do you wonder which you can recycle and which you can't? Are

How to get every last bit out of bottles, jars and tubes
24 May

How to get every last bit out of bottles, jars and tubes

At a time like this, we need to focus on what we have going for us. Be grateful for every last bit of goodness, supportive

15 eco-friendly maintenance jobs to tackle while you’re at home
13 Apr

15 eco-friendly maintenance jobs to tackle while you’re at home

Are you struggling to occupy your time during lockdown? These eco-friendly jobs just might be what you need

Fairer furnishings: people-friendly designs for our homes
01 Feb

Fairer furnishings: people-friendly designs for our homes

Fair trade isn’t just with food, it can be in all areas of the home, including your furniture.

Have yourself a water-saving Christmas season
02 Dec

Have yourself a water-saving Christmas season

When we think about eco-friendly Christmasses, our thoughts turn to plastic-free presents and decorations, local and organic food, buying experience gifts instead of ‘stuff’, switching

Let’s love our loos on World Toilet Day
19 Nov

Let’s love our loos on World Toilet Day

Can you imagine how different our lives would be without toilets, running water and sewer systems? The lack of privacy in having to relieve yourself

This is the year “we the people” take recycling into our own hands
23 Sep

This is the year “we the people” take recycling into our own hands

The year so far has been one of protests and marches. People have had enough of the status quo; things need to change urgently. Inspired

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Keeping UK Drains Flowing Smoothly 

October is not just about falling leaves and cosy sweaters; it’s also the time for Unblocktober! This nationwide campaign encourages residents to take proactive steps