

How to make your money stretch further
06 Jun

How to make your money stretch further

Prices in the UK are soaring, and sadly, things aren’t changing any time soon. It’s one of those nationwide ‘adaptive’ moments where we all pull

How many litres of water per day should you use?
23 May

How many litres of water per day should you use?

Did you know that 46% of people in the UK believe their household uses less than 20 litres of water a day? A further 32%

Recycling symbols and what they mean
16 May

Recycling symbols and what they mean

A quick glance at your packaging will tell you whether you can recycle it or not. But only if you know what you’re looking for.

How to save water at home
09 May

How to save water at home

Water scarcity isn’t something you associate the rainy UK with. Let’s face it, even when it’s summer we’re expecting a downpour of rain at any

What items are you recycling wrong? 
02 May

What items are you recycling wrong? 

For decades we’ve been told to recycle. It’s not hard, you just throw your plastics, tins, cardboard, glass and paper in a bin and away

Your guide to waste in Wokingham Borough
14 Feb

Your guide to waste in Wokingham Borough

Are you in need of a guide for your waste? Research shows that there is so much uncertainty with what can or can’t go in

Recycling water in your home
07 Feb

Recycling water in your home

Does the phrase ‘recycled water’ sound a little strange to you? We’re so used to recycling items, making something new from something old, that we

Eco-projects to consider when modernising your home
31 Jan

Eco-projects to consider when modernising your home

This month we’ve looked at smaller tasks you can do around your home to help save energy. From draught-proofing your home to turning the TV off at

What does an eco-friendly washing load look like?
24 Jan

What does an eco-friendly washing load look like?

After last week’s blog, we noticed a lot of members asking a similar question. What does an eco-friendly washing load look like? What products to

5 quick ways to reduce your electrical energy usage demands
17 Jan

5 quick ways to reduce your electrical energy usage demands

“Who left the lights on?!” We don’t know about you, but this is a common phrase shouted up the stairs most evenings. It doesn’t matter how many

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Keeping UK Drains Flowing Smoothly 

October is not just about falling leaves and cosy sweaters; it’s also the time for Unblocktober! This nationwide campaign encourages residents to take proactive steps