
Food & Drink

Tastier leftovers from the freezer? Yes, with these tips!
24 Oct

Tastier leftovers from the freezer? Yes, with these tips!

Frozen food can be great for convenience, but mushy veg? Yuck. Freezer-burnt meat? Double yuck. The freezer is fab for keeping our leftover foods safe

DIY ice lolly recipes – no special equipment needed!
26 Jul

DIY ice lolly recipes – no special equipment needed!

Besides the sheer enjoyment of eating, there are so many reasons to try out one of these ice lolly recipes. What could be nicer on

Grow your own superfoods in a jam jar
24 Mar

Grow your own superfoods in a jam jar

Even the least green fingered among us can produce a crop of tasty superfoods. No need for special equipment - you'll likely have everything you

7 ways to reuse orange peels
07 Aug

7 ways to reuse orange peels

An easy-to-follow guide for looking after houseplants and being the perfect ‘plant parent’

Conserving water: Do you know the water footprint of your food?
03 Nov

Conserving water: Do you know the water footprint of your food?

When we think of conserving precious water, thoughts turn immediately to what we can do around the house: taking shorter showers, using a filled plastic bottle to reduce flush amounts in toilets, installing a water butt to catch rainwater or washing the car with a watering can!

Autumn fruit chutney for beginners
30 Aug

Autumn fruit chutney for beginners

Gluts of cheap autumn fruit are easily turned into delicious, tangy chutneys ready for eating at Christmas, no culinary expertise required. Quantities can easily be doubled if you want to make extra chutney as gifts for friends and family (hint: you do!).

Edible plants to grow indoors
31 Jan

Edible plants to grow indoors

Perhaps you've no outside space to grow in? Or you're not sure if you'll enjoy growing and you just want to test the water? Maybe

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Keeping UK Drains Flowing Smoothly 

October is not just about falling leaves and cosy sweaters; it’s also the time for Unblocktober! This nationwide campaign encourages residents to take proactive steps